Selling Safety Glasses
Personal protective equipment is a mandatory equipment that must be used to maintain the safety of workers when doing work that has potential hazards or occupational safety risks. Safety glasses are one of the personal protective equipment that is used as a protector that covers the area around the eyes, used to protect the eyes from dust and chemical splashes. Useful as eye protection when working as well as protecting the eyes from very dazzling rays such as when welding.
There are many sources of danger when you work in a factory that threatens the safety of your eyes. The types of protective eyewear consist of:
- Safety Spectacles
 Has a shape like ordinary glasses that serves to protect the eyes from
 danger of jumping sharp objects, dust, small particles and can reduce
 from the blinding light.
- Safety Goggles
 The shape sticks right to the face, protecting from the dangers of chemical splashes, smoke, steam, dust and sharp objects jumping.
For more detailed information, please contact our complete safety equipment sales center in Jakarta.